

There's something really magical to me about collaboration. I love to work with other people and see work come out of that process. Making digital images that others can use for their own projects is my way of collaborating with people around the world.

I'm a painter primarily, but I also have this odd knack for computers... Digital media is how I practiced my art for a very long time. A lot of the skills used in digital media can translate to traditional media really well. Thinking in layers is one way I have found my digital background influences my traditional one. I love to scan my artwork into a computer at the highest resolution I can get and study it up close.

When I was 14, I uploaded a single brush pack online. It was downloaded more than 300,000 times. I have it in my store today- It's called Splatter Brushes and it's the closest I have ever come to being "internet famous."

It's really exciting to see what other people make with your art as a framework. I love the process of creation, and I love to get my hands dirty and covered in paint. There's a liveliness to that expression that I often find is lacking in digital media. It's too easy to make everything crisp and neat- I like to get things a little dirty, a controlled chaos.

I use my skills as a painter to create images in traditional media- things like standing on my balcony with a paintbrush and flinging paint at loose papers- and also things like following cats around my neighborhood and sneaking pictures of them, to paint later when I get back home.

I hope my work becomes a go-to for a lot of designers and artists. It certainly is for me.